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A Chat with Jake Wagner of 4FP

Jake Wagner, 4FP Founder, leads a digital marketing agency serving Financial Planners, Financial Advisors and Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs). Jake invited Julie to share how advisors and planners can achieve even greater success when they learn and understand...

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Bringing Calm and Confidence to Chaos

Remember, this is an amazing time to be strengthening relationships and loyalty with clients and with your team. It is also a fabulous time to prospect! Especially if you are a wealth advisor, keep in mind the $68 Trillion that will be changing hands within families,...

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Diversity & Inclusion INCLUDES Generations

For those of us who have not already, I think it is imperative that we add the differences of generations to the definition of diversity and inclusion. It is imperative that we take off our blinders, remove our unconscious biases With anyone who appears different than...

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What do you need to do to get “unstuck”?

What do you need to do to get ‘unstuck’? That is a question only we as individuals can answer for ourselves. But to be truly successful and fulfilled, going through the process of figuring it out is crucial. Think of how free our minds and our hearts were when we were...

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Teaching Soft Skills

It is our responsibility to empower and educate younger workers to learn these skills. They can run rings around many of us with computers and social media, but we must spend time sharing our knowledge of relationship building, body language, empathy, and the most...

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Top 10 Talent Trends for the New Year

Agility, collaboration, disruption, integrative communication, mentoring, support, vertical and horizontal empowerment. These are not just buzz words. They are make or break requirements for a successful and cohesive workforce. I can help. Read Article:...

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