“Those who cannot do, teach…”, “practice what you preach”… it is no secret, among many of us, whatever it is that we state as our profession, what we teach, coach, speak about, often we may be excellent as ‘teachers’ but not so great when it comes to our own practices, business… give me a thumbs up, comment or something with whatever pops into your brain.

#Financial Advisor, #business consultant, #coach, therapist… How many of us hear the insightful/meaningful advice we give, step by step plans that all but guarantee success,,,, or perhaps making sure to take time for yourself and your family- of course writing this post, article, blog at midnight even though you have to be awake in 5 hours…

Please tell me this resonates with you?!
Well, the good news is, for most of us, there is still time!

I just came from my therapist as I am working through some serious crap that happened to me in my 20’s and 30’s…. and at the ripe old age of 52, I realized it is ok to admit that I thrive with Words of Affirmation. I am a HUGE believer in knowing your ‘love language” whether it is personal or professional. What do YOU need to feel supported, connected, fulfilled and happy? What does your team need? Again, there is no wrong answer (of course, please make healthy choices). I am here to admit that for years, I have thought that needing to be told “good job”, or “thank you, that was great” was a sign of weakness. But it is not!!! And of course, I would NEVER say that the need for anything to make you healthy, happy and feel empowered is a sign of weakness to anyone else, so why do I think it is for myself!!??

However we feel is not WRONG! Just because others may not see it the same way you do, that doesn’t mean it is WRONG! If you are feeling stuck in this type of a situation and you don’t know how to navigate it, or articulate what is going on for you, know that you are not alone. There are people out there such as myself that are here to support you. And you are right that I often learn as much if not more from others, so thank you.

In preparation for #NationalMentalHealthAwareness month in May, please join me in advocating for new ideas, always being curious, looking at things from others’ perspectives and letting go of judgement. Always be seeking growth opportunities. You will be surprised at how much this will open you up and, lessen your stress/anxiety. And if you are in a place where you are often told you are wrong, go somewhere else!! Yes you can!
#mindful #mentalhealth #empower #advocate #communicate #trust